motivation - XML is allready accepted as the standard for data interchange on the web - example - XML is good to represent structured data but for the machine it does not express meaning introduction Resource Description Framework - general purpose language for representing information in the World Wide Web - intended to represent metadata about web resources - can be used to represent information about everything (generalisation of the concept "web resource") Information Exchange - framework for expressing information in way that it can exchanged between applications _without_ loss of meaning - information may be available to other applications than those for wich it was originaly created. Example - XML syntax example - natural language explanation - machine readable / XML based syntax - links data across web (and not across web) Complete Specification consists of severl documents - RDF Model Theory - RDF/XML syntax - RDF Schema - RDF Test Cases - RDF Primer - ... even more Scope of this presentation - what information can RDF represent? - what does RDF look like? - how is RDF information created, accessed and processed? - what are the known RDF applications ? - more about RDF model theory making statements about resources The Nature of RDF - making statements about resources - example (in natural english ) - to formulate this kind of statements we need: - a way to identify the thing we want to describe (subject) - a way to identify the property - a way to identify the vlue (object) = s p o notion + url for web resources - of course we want to do this machine readable, we need - system of unique machine processable identifiers - machine processable format for representing these statments and exchanging them between machines URIs XML - example - the use of Namespaces - RDF defines a specific XML markup language to use in writing down RDF information The RDF Model Structured Property Values - blank nodes xml synrax for RDF examples defining RDF vocabularies: RDF schema RDF Schema - RDF defines simple data model for describing proerties or resouces - RDF user communities need to have mechanisms to define such terms - RDF does not provide mechanisms to define terms like propertie and classes - for definig such term one constructs RDF Schema. - RDF Schemas are defined in RDF Schema Specifications - RDF Schema provides mechanisms to define classes, properties and control how classes and properties are used together - we call such RDFS documents vocabularies Type System - similarity with OO design - RDFS provides basic type system for use in RDF models - this allow resources to be defined as instace of one or more classes - classes to be organized hierarchicaly RDFS vocabulary - RDFS uses the RDF data model itself to define the RDF type system - RDFS Specification provides set of predefined RDF resources and properties that can be used to define user-specific classes and properties - the RDFS vocabulary - the RDFS vocabulary Classes - all things described in RDF are called ressources and are considered to be instances of tpe predefined class rdfs:Resource - rdfs:Resource is the topmost class in the hierarchy - rdf:type property is used to indicate that a resource is an instance of a class (object is allways a resource which is a class) - class is a resource having rdf:type property with value rdfs:Class, which is a predefied resource - example - rdfs:Class is itself a class (an instance of rdfs:Class) :)) - one resource can be an instance of multiple classes - predefined rdfs:subClassOf property represents trasitive subset/superset relation on classes. (inherritace) Properties - rdfs:Property - rdfs:subPropertyOf - rdfs:domain - rdfs:range Upside Down OO design notion - properties defined with constrains for classes - this allow prperties to be more reusable in resources definitions - propertes may be used in situations not intendeb by the origial definer - RDF Schema specification does not say how should applications deal the constrains RDF containers Why containers What containers - Bag - Sequence - Alternative some RDF applications Dublin Core Meta Data Initiative PRISM (Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata) OWL OIL RDF model theory Basics - hierarchic network analogy - graph represetaion - subgraphs - interpretations Monotonic Reasoning - each triple make a distinct assertion - meanining of ay triple if not changed by adding other triples - cannot express: CWA, local default preferences, other common nonmonotonic constructs Direct Translations Fail on FOL - uniref --> logical constant - literal --> quoted string - arc s p o --> p(s,o) - RDF graph --> existential closure of conjunction of translations of all arcs - as properties are orinary resources we can same symbol as an object and as an predicate :(